Friday, February 28, 2025

The Everything Restaurant Copycat Recipes Cookbook: 200 Easy Recipes ... by Kelly Jaggers

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
So you're craving a chain restaurant's meal but the place is closed? Or you're too sick to travel? 

Here's your cheat sheet for when "you can't get there from here." Lots of fun recipes from KFC, Cheesecake Factory, Olive Garden and more.

Recommended if you'd rather cook than eat someone else's cooking!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Dying to Live by Margaret Jen Burke

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
I was stunned by the depth of Burke's observations and evaluations of how American culture has adapted and shifted the call of Jesus to his followers. Her critique of what is considered normal for Christians was startling.

She asks whether we are spending ourselves - our time, resources, money, and relationships to further the kingdom of God or our own ambitions and needs. I found the specific points and the practical examples touched my heart and made me pause for self-examination.

This is not only useful and interesting in spiritual formation of the individual, but a wonderful resource for a young woman's group. Be warned: if you're not interested in growing in your faith, don't bother. It's too provocative, too confrontational, and too real to read and walk away unchanged. 

My Name Is Emilia del Valle by Isabel Allende

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
 A story that you can't predict. Meet a young woman who finds family and love and adventure in most unexpected ways.

I usually love Allende's work but this round I got lost a few times. I think the storyline was too complicated and the descriptions too detailed for the hectic week in which I read it. 

I recommend this when you're ready for a young woman's gripping saga ... and you have time to relish the rich language and textures of Emilia's journey.

Slow Burn Summer by Josie Silver

★★★★★  The publisher provided a copy for review
 I wouldn't have picked this up out of a stack of novels. (The cover looks too flirty and trendy.) 

Except that I love Josie Silver's writing. The plot is thick and colorful. The characters are relatable - whether you love or hate them. And the romance is both surprising and reassuring.

I gave a long exhale when I read the last page - probably from satisfaction and relief that things work out as they do. You can hardly guess the direction this will go in the middle of the book.

You'll enjoy this one on vacation, when you need a break from the office, or when you're just ready for a great story. Recommended!