Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A Wondrous Mystery by Charles Spurgeon, ed. by Geoffrey Chang

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.

Christmas is coming - and with it come many reflections on the mysterious coming of Jesus, God-with-us. If you want light reading, skip this one.

However, if you want a deep dive into the theology and biblical purpose for the incarnation, you will love this book. Spurgeon examines who Jesus is and why he came. How did the events unfold? What are the effects and benefits of God coming among us?

If you've never heard of him, Charles Spurgeon was a Victorian-era preacher in the 1800s. He loved Christmas but didn't fuss about it at church. Instead, his preaching highlighted the beauty of Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection all year long. And from those sermons comes this book.

I'm glad the language has been updated - but the message is the same. He has come! Celebrate what he has done! Recommended.

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