Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Grumble Free Year by Tricia Goyer

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
Imagine challenging yourself and your family to a year of no grumbling! That's what Goyer did - and then she wrote about their experiment. She offers suggestions and steps on how the family faced the challenge and took the opportunity for transformation. An interesting practical look at how life thrives with appreciation, honesty, and no grumbling.

Well worth reading, whether you are single, married, or have a family. This book will give you opportunities to change your trajectory from grumbling to gratefulness.

Stand Out Networking A Simple and Authentic Way to Meet People on Your Own Terms by Dorie Clark

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
Relationships built up over time are valuable and can change the course of life and work. Rather than manipulative name-collecting, Clark advocates for - and explains how to - genuine networks that are of mutual and expansive in their reach.

Clark says, "Rightly understood, networking is a way of living your life with integrity, helping others, and benefiting in proportion to the mount you do and the way you navigate the world." The longterm investment of self in other people brings lifelong benefits and opportunities.

The core mindset of kindness and looking out for others is explored with how-tos, suggestions for maximum effectiveness, and encouragement to become part of a global network that brings mutual and widespread advantages.

Well worth consideration.

MicroShifts Transforming Your Life One Step at a Time by Gary Jansen

★★★ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
If it's too hard to make big changes, what happens when small changes are repeated over and over again? Life transformation or big changes in trajectory can be a result of tiny decisions day after day. Jansen encourages the reader to accept challenges by moving toward them incrementally. The stories, examples, and incentives mentioned make transformation seem not only possible but attractive.

Move forward, one small step at a time. Start by reading this book.

Why? What makes us Curious? by Mario Livio

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
What's the first question you remember asking? The curiosity that drives innovation and exploration is unique to humans. Livio explores the qualities of asking "why" that compel us to seek answers. No matter what work we are drawn to - science, art, mathematics, literature ... we want to know why and what and how, when, what for, and what ways things work.

A fascinating look at the inner life and outer workings of curious minds.