Monday, June 10, 2024

Jesus, Make Me Fully Alive: 30 Holy Hour Reflections by Fr. Tim Anastos

★★★★★  The publisher provided a copy for review. 
Though its intended audience is young adults, this is very relevant for all ages. Most Western youth don't grow up as quickly or as solidly as in generations past: the plethora of choices in spirituality and work/vocation, and mobility in where to live and work make settling down harder.

It's an era of confusion and chaos: many voices challenge the Christian faith and rootedness in prayer and scripture. Fr Anastos assures us all that a holy hour - time set aside with God for meditation, prayer, journaling, and other spiritual disciplines - is not only possible. It is worthwhile.

The author offers counsel on intentionality, spending time, mindful focus on Jesus, and modeling our prayer life on the withdrawal of Jesus to commune with his heavenly Father. He stresses personal integrity and a willingness to engage God's presence.

Highly recommended for spiritual formation, no matter what your stage of life.

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