Saturday, June 22, 2019

Global Arts and Christian Witness by Roberta R. King

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
This is part of a series on Mission in Global Community for students and others. Music and other arts are an integral part of culture. They have always been part of the worship of the Church and part of the way we tell God's story. As a musician, this topic is dear to my heart. Though there is nothing startlingly different here, the book is encouraging and comprehensive about creative and proven ways to intersect culture.

With many illustrations, King encourages artists and musicians to create space for God's work in and through their art. She also promotes the idea of engaging and understanding cross-cultural settings by listening and looking at the art of other places, particularly in non-reading cultures.

Art is always a two- (or more-) way conversation. Showing, telling, and playing through voice, instruments, and artistic mediums allows a deep heart engagement, which nonetheless comes with some parameters and cautions. King gives a good overview of the process and the possibility of offering Good News through the arts. Recommended.

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