Thursday, May 2, 2019

12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson

★★★★★  The publisher didn't provide a copy for review. I got it myself.
My brother said, "watch Peterson on YouTube." Our family enjoys a debate on topics beyond boxes and pat answers. So I did. And I said, hmmm, interesting.

And then I read 12 Rules.  Peterson explains his philosophy of life - be nice and do good things - in ways that let us make pragmatic and practical choices for the future we want ... and a better world.

I'm going to read this with a group of leaders who wrestle with ideas and change. I laughed and teared up at various points (unusual for someone who is usually emotionally detached from media). I wrinkled my forehead at some points and said a loud, "Yes, of course!" at other parts.

If the name of one of the rules doesn't get your attention, you're not thinking deeply enough about consequences and societal progress. "Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them." Ok, here's another: "Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't."

Worth purchasing. Worth keeping on your desk for further thought. Hey, let's face it: I don't say that about many books. Get a copy and read it.

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