Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Mindful Writing Workshop: Teaching in the Age of Stress and Trauma by Richard Koch

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
Stuff happens. Life does not always unfold as it should, with loving parents, caring siblings, and trustworthy friends. Nor does the environment always stay peaceful and supportive of children as they grow up.

This book is intended as a working manual for guiding children through their traumas and stresses toward health and an integrated, productive life. Koch presents an opportunity for a classroom in which children can choose their part in the activities from options that draw them out and draw them forward. The key values are compassion, kindness, respect, and attention from teachers, which are fostered among the students themselves.

Though the underlying philosophy is Buddhism, the principles of caring for each other are valuable and important. Christian teachers (and those of other religions) can translate the values of respectful compassion into their own ways of thinking and pedagogy. This worthy volume will deepen conversation, enhance interactive learning, and encourage respectfulness among colleagues and our students.


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