Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A Woman in Search of ... by Lynne Brightman Horn

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.

Yikes. Shades of my teen years when the whole world went crazy on drugs, "free love," and other shedding of morality. 

"Oh. I hope you find what you want." 

"I hope so too."

Those two phrases describe a woman's quest for purpose and meaning after her divorce in the 1970s. In the process of undoing her expectations, she falls into the trap of quick fixes, transitioning through multiple partnerships, and drug experimentation. Working through her emotions, Wendy depends on her nursery business, her relationships, and her friend Cindy.

It's a book that reminds me of the search for self and the desire to make a difference outside of the world of faith. When you have only yourself to depend on, it's a hard path.

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