Friday, September 27, 2024

The Language of the Birds by K.A. Merson

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
 If you're not like everyone else, you won't expect the same things of life. And if you're a teen on top of it, anything can happen. This mystery, thriller, growing up novel takes you on a wild ride.

Add to the mix a kidnapped mom and a dead dad who might or might not have had a missing document or paper, and you've got the makings of a gripping adventure. Hang on.

(How many kids know their parents? My own sure didn't know me in their teens, and I was just starting to understand my parents when I hit my 20s. That twist made it more interesting for me, too.)

Recommended for a nail-biting commute or break at work. Maybe tuck it into your tote bag when you hit the beach or mountain cabin.

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