Sunday, March 3, 2024

Herding Tigers by Todd Henry

★★★★★ Herding Tigers by Todd Henry has me spellbound. Except when my dad was the owner or manager, I've never been on a team or in a workplace where these principles of managing creatives were in place.

It is startlingly practical! I would have liked to hand this to my various bosses throughout the years - and would have given them 5X the work if they'd followed the principles Henry identifies. 

He's studied what creatives crave (and need to thrive) as employees or contract workers. And how a leader needs to step up to get the most out of creative teams.

If you feel like you're herding cats - who may turn on you any time - or just have a team that's going in every direction but the one you need, it's time to get this book. Found it in the library but have no regrets on getting a copy for myself.

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