Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Book Club Kits: SAMPLE The Cave by Amani Ballour; Rania Abouzeid by We Are Bookish

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
What a good idea. If you have a book club, NetGalley offers a series of 21 (so far) book club kits by "We Are Bookish." The kit includes author interviews, recipes, questions, movie links (if a movie has been made of the book), and more.

It's a feast of background that makes reading more enjoyable. It offers a book group discussion points and suggests how to contribute to causes championed by the author/s.

Worth picking up if you're starting a book club, if your group is stumped or deteriorating into gossip, or if you just want more information about a great book you're reading. 

The description of this book begins with: "This searing memoir tells the story of a young doctor and activist who ran an underground hospital in Damascus, humanizing the enduring crisis in Syria." Sounds like it's worth your time, doesn't it?

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