Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Integrating Psychology and Faith by Paul Moes; Blake Riek

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
Many Christians have been taught to scorn psychology as human babble. Yet many of us seek therapy for issues of childhood and healing from trauma and abuse. The perspective and training of the therapist is vital in aligning values and bringing wholeness to the client.

As a student of intercultural issues, the topic interested me in its scope of theology and worldview. Seekers of truth and meaning will find much to discuss in Moes and Riek's book. It encourages honest exploration of personal history, needs - met and unmet, and trends in psychology that can help or damage faith.

Its summaries of psychological trends and how they relate to theology are particularly useful. I recommend it to faculty and students, Christian and not, for its perspectives on various approaches to understanding and healing the mind and psyche can benefit self and others. 

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