Monday, August 12, 2024

Peace in the Dark by Jessica Herberger

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
 In a world of instant gratification and exceptions of a Pinterest or IG-able life, how do you deal with pain, loss, and suffering? Even more, how do you deal with waiting for rescue and life to resume? "Our days here are spent living in a broken place, recovering from a loss or a hurt, holding on to joy and hope, longing for peace, and navigating the in-between we find ourselves in."

In this look at the time between Good Friday and Resurrection Day, Herberger offers comfort and hope. My friends and I have been talking about the hardest time - when there's a promise ahead but we're waiting for God to appear, to open a door, or to release us from discomfort and death.

Whether you are grieving, waiting for a new season, or stuck in silence, this book offers ways to adjust and rest through such times - and offers confidence that you are neither forgotten nor abandoned. 

As a gift or solace for yourself, this is worth reading.

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