Thursday, August 1, 2024

What's Next Is Now by Frederik Pferdt

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
What does it mean to balance faith and works? I felt this was an essential question as Pferdt explores the meaning and working out of our salvation. I like the use of tools like the Johari Window; the affirmation of every believer as created uniquely and purposefully for his/her time and place; and the encouragement to servanthood.

Where you're exploring what it means to have Jesus as "the Way," whether you are seeking "the Truth," or living in abundance in him as "the Life," there's something here for you. There are reminders of what you know, what you haven't thought of, and ways to live out your commitment to God.

Recommended for those seeking spiritual direction, teaching or growing in spiritual formation, and those who are considering the path of faith in Jesus.

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