Thursday, August 1, 2024

Trust the Whisper by Kathy Izard

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
How do you know when God is speaking to you? How can you be sure that your purpose and path are the right ones? That you are being guided and led?

I liked the stories of how God has spoken to others. It gave me ideas of ways God has whispered to me in the past and brought life and light to my journey. It's a tale of progress in the faith, of understanding how ordinary life unfolds day to day. Sometimes we see the steps we are taking. Other times, we look back in wonder at how far we've come. 

If you aren't certain that God is a speaking and interacting One, if you think God is far away and uninterested in you, read this book. It will help you look at the voice and the voices around you - how the Living Word is present in and through you. 

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